PSRG Educational Meeting Saturday September 14th, 2024 @ 1:30PM

The next PSRG Educational Meeting topic is Rally Communications Briefing.

As many Hams know, there are numerous volunteer opportunities available to new and seasoned operators. One of these prominent in the Pacific Northwest is Motorsport and specifically, Stage Rally Offroad.

In our region, there are 2 major National and several smaller Regional Off-Road high speed rally events. These take place over the course of a day, or a weekend and involve lots of pre-planning, permits, licensing, safety considerations and logistics relying on a team of planners and administrators that have been doing this for years in many cases.

One pivotal facet of a stage rally is that of communications. Every rally event depends greatly on radio for safety, operations, scoring, logistics, vehicle service and many other aspects. It turns out, these are and have been provided by volunteer Hams since about 1963. It is true that without volunteer Ham Radio Operators, we couldn’t effectively field rally events, so important are the aspects of communication chiefly around safety and logistics alone.

Devin N7IQZ will provide an orientation on what it takes to be a Rally Ham Volunteer. He will be going over topics including equipment requirements, Ham plan frequencies, operations, protocols, positions, and introduction to emergency procedures. The goal of this talk will be to both inspire interest and answer questions for any Ham that may have wondered “What else can I do with my license?” or “What is this rally thing I hear about on PSRG every spring and fall?”

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Meeting ID: 878 3250 8554
Passcode: 153525


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