General Information

Founded in 1972, the Puget Sound Repeater Group has been serving hams in the Seattle area for over fifty years and counting. In 2022, we celebrated our golden jubilee.

PSRG has a Facebook Group and a Discord Server. Links are in the Contact Us page.

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PSRG Annual Picnic, July 27

The social event of the year is coming to Magnolia Park on Saturday July 27! Join us for great food, conversation, and fun. This is a pot-luck style picnic ! Bring your radio toys and a dish to share.

The picnic is booked up ! We are looking forward to seeing those of you who registered very soon.


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Registration for the Remote HF Station

The PSRG Remote HF Station is ready! If you are a PSRG member, hold a valid FCC Amateur Radio License, and are interested in obtaining credentials to use the station, please fill out this FORM. (To register as a member  of PSRG, click Membership/Join on the menu at the top of this page–even if you already consider yourself a member.)

Once submitted, a member of the PSRG Remote HF Station Admin team will reach out to you with instructions on how to get logged in and start operating.

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Board Policy on Site Accessibility

Although we are currently reviewing the site to make it as accessible as possible, it is hard for those without particular limitations to anticipate what problems users might have in accessing parts of the site. If you notice something that could be an obstacle, please let us know. Contact

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Send Us Your Photos!

We have added a Photo Gallery page to the website. We are seeking photos of PSRG events beginning with 2018 Field Day, especially the Annual Dinner, Annual Meeting and 2018 Picnic. If you have photos to submit, email them to (Note, if you have trouble sending them, email Rich for help.)

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