General Information

Founded in 1972, the Puget Sound Repeater Group has been serving hams in the Seattle area for over fifty years and counting. In 2022, we celebrated our golden jubilee.

PSRG has a Facebook Group and a Discord Server. Links are in the Contact Us page.

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Results of the Annual Meeting Election

The Annual General Meeting was held online on February 8. The Board members reported on the status of PSRG, including a review of the past year, the treasurer’s report and tentative plans for the coming year. Besides updating the membership, a principal purpose of the meeting is to elect board members. Board members serve 2-year terms, with half the board members up for election each year. This year was unusual because in addition to the usual 3 open seats, two members who were not up for election asked to step down. Thus, the election was for three 2-year terms and two 1-year terms completing the terms of those who stepped down early.

Up for election for 2-year terms were the position of Vice President, held by Jack Wolfe KI7RMU, Board Slot 1 held by Jason Nierenberg KJ7GLB, the current Treasurer, and Board Slot 3, held by Brooks Courtright K9BDC, the current Secretary. Replacements were elected to fill the remaining 1-year terms of Board Slot 2, held by Quentin Caudron K7DRQ and Board Slot 4, held by Rebecca Sharkey KK7IJZ. In addition, Don Abeles W7UUL asked to step down as the License Trustee (appointed by the board).

Candidates were Brooks Courtright for Vice President (unopposed), and Jason Nierenberg, Madelyn Mills KJ7NUW, Kami Cline KJ7RAB, Robert Sartore KJ7RXM, and Charlie Wahl KC2STO for the open slots.

[Drum Roll] The results:

Brooks was elected Vice President, replacing Jack who chose not to run for re-election.

Jason and Madelyn were elected to the 2-year board slots; Robert and Kami were elected to the 1-year board slots.

After the membership meeting, a short Board meeting was held. The board appointed Jack to replace Don as Trustee and Jason agreed to continue as the Treasurer. A decision on the Secretary position was deferred.

Thank you, Don, for your 53 years of service to PSRG and for promising to stay involved in a less formal role.

Thank you, Jack, for your service as Vice-President, Secretary and Net Manager and for your willingness to contribute as Trustee. (We’ll see how you’re holding up in 53 years!)

Thank you, Quentin, for your years of service on the board in various positions and thank you Rebecca for your service as well.

Thank you to all who ran for the election, and congratulations to those who were elected!

Video of the Annual Meeting is available here: 2025 PSRG AGM and Elections Zoom Recording and on the PSRG Organization/Meeting Minutes page, along with the President’ Report and Treasurer’s Report slides.

Also during the meeting, a discussion was held about the distribution of donated equipment, and those slides are also available on the Minutes page.


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Sign Up For Disaster Preparedness classes beginning Jan 8 via Zoom

Starting in January, Ann Forrest will present a series of Disaster Preparedness classes via Zoom. The first one is Jan 8th, and there are seven classes in total. All on Wednesdays 7:00pm to 7:30. The classes and materials are free.

Ann has been conducting these classes for years and has figured out the optimal format for teaching the information. Each class addresses a single topic and is no more than 30 mins long. Presenting the information in bite-sized pieces, one topic a week, is not as overwhelming and tends to result in more follow-through.

For reference or if you miss a class, they will all be recorded and made available on YouTube.

Sign up for the series here: Disaster Preparedness Series

The attachment lists the class schedule and the topics addressed.

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Free Technician Class March 1 & 15

Ready to get your license? Learn about amateur radio practice and prepare for the FCC Technician license exam. A free class series is scheduled from 9 AM to 5 PM March 1 & 15 at the Meadowbrook Community Center, 10517 35th Ave NE, Seattle, 98125.

The test will be given at the end of the second session. The fee for taking the test is $15 and the FCC license application fee is $35.

To register for the class, click here:  Class Registration Form

Questions? Contact Christian Helfrich at



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43rd Annual Mike and Key Electronics Show & Swap Meet, March 8, 2025

The Mike & Key Electronics Show & Swap Meet is one of the largest annual Amateur Radio events in the Pacific Northwest.  It is held on the Washington State Fairgrounds during the first part of March, up to 3,000 Hams and non-Hams alike are drawn to a modern 40,000 square foot facility located on two floors of the Exhibition Hall with room for over 300 tables for selling radios, computers, and general electronics equipment.

There is an on-site snack bar and a consignment area.  License examinations are also given on-site.

March 8, 2025 9AM – 3PM

Pavilion Exhibition Hall, Washington State Fairgrounds
110 9th Avenue SW
Puyallup, WA

$13 (under 16 free with adult)

Full Event Info:
Mike & Key Swap Meet

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PSRG Educational Meeting, Saturday March 15th

PSRG Educational Meeting, Saturday March 15th, 2025 1:30 PM

Transitioning WWARA Repeaters to Narrowband, Presented by Kenny Richards KU7M.

The presentation will cover the purpose of repeater coordination and the WWARA (Western Washington Amateur Relay Association) role in the process. From there the talk will jump into the historical timeline of repeaters and the technical definitions of what Narrowband is, as it applies to repeaters. The specific facts that lead to the WWARA membership voting to adopt narrowband here in Western Washington and what it means for repeater owners and users. Finally addressing the most common questions and taking Q&A from the audience.

Join Zoom Meeting: March Educational Zoom
Meeting ID: 839 0192 8006
Passcode: 191530

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Ham Connect Program for New Hams March 15 – Oct 5

Are you a new ham? Congratulations on getting your license! The organizations listed below would like to invite you to a Ham Connect Program where you will meet other experienced hams and have an opportunity to learn how to use your new knowledge to participate more fully in the world of ham radio.  This includes activities such as contesting, getting on HF, outdoor activities like Parks on the Air, DIY antenna building, and how to prepare for and participate in emergency communication (EmComm) either from home or in the field. This preparation often involves fun events that provide community service while expanding radio skills. 

Five sessions of the Ham Connect Program are scheduled. Each session will provide the same information from the participating organizations. The sessions are spread out across the Seattle area and are in-person, hybrid, or virtual.  You are welcome to attend any or all.

  • Saturday, March 15 (in-person), Hosts: WSARC and WW7MST, Salvation Army, 9050 16th Ave SW, Seattle, WA 98106, Club meeting from 9:30am -10:30am, Ham Connect program starts at 10:30am. 
  • Saturday, April 12 (virtual and in person), Host: Seattle ACS, North Seattle College, 9600 College Way N, NSCC Ed Bldg., 3rd floor, room 2843A.  ACS meeting 9:00am-10:30am, Ham Connect program starts at 10:30am. Scan QR code for Zoom link.
  • Saturday, June 28, 11:00 am (in-person), Host: PSRG, South Seattle College, 6000 16th Ave SW, north side of campus at Seattle Field Day. 
  • Tuesday, July 22, 7:00 pm (virtual), Host: Seattle Hubs. Scan QR code for Zoom link.
  • Sunday, Oct 5, 3:00 pm (virtual), Host: Cascadia Radio. Scan QR code for meeting link.

We look forward to meeting you at one of these programs.  If you have any questions, feel free to email us at .  Up-to-date information about Ham Connect sessions and virtual links can be found at or by scanning the QR code below.

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Registration for the Remote HF Station

The PSRG Remote HF Station is ready! If you are a PSRG member, hold a valid FCC Amateur Radio License, and are interested in obtaining credentials to use the station, please fill out this FORM. (To register as a member  of PSRG, click Membership/Join on the menu at the top of this page–even if you already consider yourself a member.)

Once submitted, a member of the PSRG Remote HF Station Admin team will reach out to you with instructions on how to get logged in and start operating.

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Board Policy on Site Accessibility

Although we are currently reviewing the site to make it as accessible as possible, it is hard for those without particular limitations to anticipate what problems users might have in accessing parts of the site. If you notice something that could be an obstacle, please let us know. Contact

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Send Us Your Photos!

We have added a Photo Gallery page to the website. We are seeking photos of PSRG events beginning with 2018 Field Day, especially the Annual Dinner, Annual Meeting and 2018 Picnic. If you have photos to submit, email them to (Note, if you have trouble sending them, email Rich for help.)

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